Welcome to Sir Senerath Gunawardene Child Care Centre.
Has a history of 33 years.
In 1980 the late Dr. B. Keerthisinghe domiciled in USA made the initial donation of Rs.50000 towards the building of the boys’ home at the same premises which was named according to his wishes, As Sir Senerath Gunawardene Boys Home. Dr.Keerthisinghe was Representative of The Mahbodhi Society & The World Fellowship Of Buddhists & Hony. Minister Of The American Buddhist Academy of New York City who owed his successful career to Sir Senerath Gunwardena who was Sri Lanka's Ambassador in USA & Permanent Representative at The United Nations at that time.
The Boys’ Home accommodates 20 Destitute Boys recommended by The Department of Probation & Child Care and as directed by a Court Order. The eligible children (boys) ranging from 7 – 17 years of age are admitted to the Home. They are provided with free school education up to secondary level. They are also provided with opportunities to train on their skills & aptitudes to enable them to pursue on selected careers of employment which are also arranged by the Home.
The upper floor of the home used as the Dormitory for the Boys was possible due to generous donation of Rs. 150,000/- received from Mrs. A. Seneviratne in memory of her deceased parents & husband.
The Boys Home is now known as The Children's Development Centre with added activities and managed by a Resident Qualified School Teacher under strict supervision of the same Board of Management of Grace Perera Elders Home.